


Saved 800, almost got scammed buying the Adobe Creative Cloud suite.


Long Story Short#

Directly visit the official Adobe website in Turkey to purchase the full suite package. It only costs about 400 RMB per year (current exchange rate). Do not buy from Taobao sellers, as their prices are generally around 1200 RMB per year (such a big price difference!). The process is very simple.


  • Visit the educational version purchase page in the Turkish region:
  • Register and purchase as usual. I tested it with my own China Merchants VISA card and it worked.
  • When it comes to verifying educational information, just fill in randomly. I filled in Tsinghua University as my school... and pretended to be a freshman. Adobe doesn't even require an educational email address for verification, it just passes through.
  • If there are any strange issues preventing the purchase, you can try using a VPN for the Turkish region and change your computer's time zone to Turkish time. I did it this way when I made the purchase, but I haven't verified if it actually works.
  • That's it, once you've made the purchase, you can use it normally.


Recently, Adobe seems to be getting stricter. The well-known @vposy also announced on Weibo that they will stop updating. The prices in the Chinese region are also ridiculously high. The more important issue is that there are many problems in the Chinese region (we use the official version for our company). After Effects can't be changed to English (not being able to use English causes problems with many plugins and expressions). The cloud storage also can't be used. Initially, the AI-powered features in Illustrator didn't support the Chinese region either. In short, it's expensive and problematic.


At first, I wanted to save time, so I randomly searched on Taobao and found a seller claiming to sell a genuine version for 1200 RMB per year. After purchasing, I received an email and realized it was in Turkish, and the price was displayed as 1272 Turkish lira. I casually checked the exchange rate... what? It's only about 400 RMB per year? After logging into the official website, I saw that my educational verification had been approved. This is such an easy way to make money, so I decided to earn back the price difference myself.

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At first, I even prepared an educational email address and bought one for 5 RMB on Taobao. I even specifically asked the seller if they support Adobe verification.

Then I searched on Google for Adobe and Turkey, and found out that I just needed to enter the official website in Turkey to make the purchase. Then it was a smooth process of purchasing and verifying education. At first, I couldn't find the address to fill in the educational email, which made me nervous for a while. But after registering and completing the payment, it directly showed that the verification was successful.


About AI#

The AI content-aware fill feature in Photoshop is really useful. In the past, I had to do various manipulations when the image size was not right, but now I can just crop it and the AI will intelligently fill in the rest. And there's no learning curve at all. In fact, it's even better to let it generate a few more random images than to spend time thinking about keywords.

There's also a great Adobe audio noise reduction feature: Just upload the audio and it will automatically apply AI noise reduction. It's currently free.

By the way, Adobe's online design platform also has AI capabilities, and it's currently free. If you're interested, you can give it a try. There are many templates available at


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